Initialize & Managed Lending Pool
Pool Module Guide - Lending & Borrowing Platform
1. Pool Structure
1.1 Pool Struct
struct Pool<phantom CoinType> has key, store {
token: coin::Coin<CoinType>, // Token stored in the pool
borrowed_amount: u64, // Total tokens borrowed
deposited_amount: u64, // Total tokens deposited
supply_rate: u64, // Interest rate for depositors
borrow_rate: u64, // Lending interest rate
supply_index: u64, // Accumulation index for depositors
borrow_index: u64, // Accumulation index for borrowers
updated_at: u64 // Last update timestamp
2. Core Functions
2.1 Pool Initialization
public entry fun inititial<CoinType>(
sender: &signer,
supply_rate_init: u64,
borrow_rate_init: u64
- Only admin has permission to initialize pool
- Set initial interest rates for depositors and borrowers
- Initialize initial indices to 1
2.2 Token Deposit
public entry fun deposit<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64)
- Withdraw token from user wallet
- Deposit into pool
- Update total deposited tokens
public entry fun deposit<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool {
let coins = coin::withdraw<CoinType>(sender, amount);
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount + amount;
Let's analyze each line of the deposit function:
1. Function declaration:
public entry fun deposit<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool
- Public function can be called from outside the module
- Parameters include sender and token amount
- acquires Pool: indicates function will access Pool resource
2. Withdraw tokens from user wallet:
let coins = coin::withdraw<CoinType>(sender, amount);
- Use withdraw function from coin module to withdraw tokens from user wallet
3. Get Pool reference:
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
- Get mutable reference to Pool stored at admin address
4. Deposit tokens into Pool:
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
- Use deposit function to send tokens to Pool
5. Update amount:
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount + amount;
- Update total tokens deposited in Pool
2.3 Token Withdrawal
public entry fun withdraw<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64)
- Withdraw tokens from pool
- Transfer to user wallet
- Update to decrease deposited tokens
public entry fun withdraw<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool {
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
let coins = coin::extract<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, amount);
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount - amount;
1. Function declaration:
public entry fun withdraw<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool
- Public function can be called from outside module
- Takes 2 parameters: sender (withdrawer) and amount (withdrawal amount)
- acquires Pool: indicates function will access Pool resource
2. Get Pool reference:
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
- Get mutable reference to Pool stored at admin address
3. Withdraw tokens from Pool:
let coins = coin::extract<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, amount);
- Use extract function to take required amount of tokens from Pool
4. Transfer tokens to user wallet:
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
- Use deposit function to transfer tokens to withdrawer's wallet
5. Update Pool balance:
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount - amount;
- Decrease total tokens deposited in Pool.deposited_amount - amount;
2.4 Token Borrowing
public entry fun borrow<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64)
- Check and register token for borrower if needed
- Withdraw tokens from pool and transfer to borrower
- Update to increase borrowed token amount
Let's analyze each step of the borrow function:
1. Function declaration:
public entry fun borrow<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool
- Public function can be called from outside the module
- Takes borrower (sender) and desired borrow amount (amount) as parameters
- acquires Pool: indicates function will access Pool resource
2. Get Pool reference:
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
- Get mutable reference to Pool at admin address
3. Withdraw tokens from Pool:
let coins = coin::extract<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, amount);
- Use extract function to take required amount of tokens from Pool
4. Check and register token for borrower:
if (!coin::is_account_registered<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender))) {
- Check if borrower's account is registered for the token
- If not, register the token for them
5. Transfer tokens to borrower:
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
- Transfer withdrawn tokens to borrower's wallet
6. Update Pool balance:
pool.borrowed_amount = pool.borrowed_amount + amount;
2.5 Token Repayment
public entry fun repay<CoinType>(account: &signer, amount: u64)
- Withdraw tokens from user wallet
- Return to pool
- Update to decrease debt amount
Let's analyze each line of code in the repay function:
1. Function declaration:
public entry fun repay<CoinType>(account: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool
- Public function can be called from outside module
- Takes 2 parameters: account (repayer) and amount (repayment amount)
- acquires Pool: indicates function will access Pool resource
2. Get Pool reference:
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
- Get mutable reference to Pool stored at admin address
3. Withdraw tokens from user wallet:
let coins = coin::withdraw<CoinType>(account, amount);
- Withdraw required tokens from repayer's wallet
4. Deposit tokens to Pool:
coin::merge<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, coins);
- Merge withdrawn tokens into Pool
5. Update Pool balance:
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount + amount;
module movement::pool {
use movement::utils;
use movement::errors;
use aptos_framework::timestamp;
use aptos_framework::coin;
use aptos_framework::managed_coin;
use std::signer;
struct Pool<phantom CoinType> has key, store {
token: coin::Coin<CoinType>,
borrowed_amount: u64,
deposited_amount: u64,
supply_rate: u64,
borrow_rate: u64,
supply_index: u64,
borrow_index: u64,
updated_at: u64
public entry fun inititial<CoinType>(
sender: &signer,
supply_rate_init: u64,
borrow_rate_init: u64
) {
assert!(utils::is_admin(sender), errors::get_e_not_admin());
move_to(sender, Pool<CoinType>{
token: coin::zero<CoinType>(),
borrowed_amount: 0,
deposited_amount: 0,
supply_rate: supply_rate_init,
borrow_rate: borrow_rate_init,
supply_index: 1,
borrow_index: 1,
updated_at: timestamp::now_microseconds()
public entry fun deposit<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool {
let coins = coin::withdraw<CoinType>(sender, amount);
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount + amount;
public entry fun withdraw<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool {
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
let coins = coin::extract<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, amount);
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount - amount;
public entry fun borrow<CoinType>(sender: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool {
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
let coins = coin::extract<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, amount);
if (!coin::is_account_registered<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender))) {
coin::deposit<CoinType>(signer::address_of(sender), coins);
pool.borrowed_amount = pool.borrowed_amount + amount;
public entry fun repay<CoinType>(account: &signer, amount: u64) acquires Pool {
let pool = borrow_global_mut<Pool<CoinType>>(utils::admin_address());
let coins = coin::withdraw<CoinType>(account, amount);
coin::merge<CoinType>(&mut pool.token, coins);
pool.deposited_amount = pool.deposited_amount + amount;