Initialize Liquidity in Pump4fun
This page explains how to initialize liquidity in a Pump4fun system, focusing on creating a liquidity pool for a custom token pair and Move token. Key points include:
- Definition of the LiquidityPool struct with fields for token and Move reserves, token address, owner, and signer capability
- Step-by-step process to initialize a liquidity pool using the initialize_liquidity_pool function
- Creation of a resource account for the pool
- Registration of Move coin storage for the pool
- Minting of custom tokens and transfer of Move tokens to the pool
- Initialization of the LiquidityPool structure with provided data
- The function's role in setting up infrastructure for decentralized exchanges or DeFi protocols
After successfully initializing the token, we will now use the token and Move Token that were used to purchase tokens to initialize the Pool for the above Token Pair.
struct LiquidityPool has key {
token_reserve: u64,
move_reserve: u64,
token_address: Object<Metadata>,
owner: address,
signer_cap: SignerCapability,
The LiquidityPool struct includes the following fields:
- token_reserve: The amount of tokens in the pool
- apt_reserve: The amount of Move in the pool
- token_address: The address of the token metadata
- owner: The address of the pool owner
- signer_cap: The ability to sign transactions for the pool
To initialize a liquidity pool using this structure, you need to create an initialization function with corresponding parameters. For example:
fun initialize_liquidity_pool(
sender: &signer,
token: Object<Metadata>,
move_amount: u64,
token_amount: u64
) acquires FAController {
let (pool_signer, signer_cap) = account::create_resource_account(sender, b"Liquidity_Pool");
// Register APT coin store for pool
if (!coin::is_account_registered<AptosCoin>(signer::address_of(&pool_signer))) {
// Mint tokens to pool
mint_tokens(&pool_signer, token, token_amount);
// Transfer APT to pool
let apt_coins = coin::withdraw<AptosCoin>(sender, move_amount);
coin::deposit(signer::address_of(&pool_signer), apt_coins);
// Initialize LP
move_to(&pool_signer, LiquidityPool {
token_reserve: token_amount,
move_reserve: move_amount,
token_address: token,
owner: signer::address_of(sender),
I will describe in more detail the initialize_liquidity_pool
function and its features:
General purpose:
This function is designed to initialize a liquidity pool for a custom token pair and Move token. The main purpose is to create a foundation for exchange and provide liquidity in the system.
Step-by-step details:
- Create resource account
let (pool_signer, signer_cap) = account::create_resource_account(sender, b"Liquidity_Pool");
- Use
to create a new resource account for the pool - Create a pool_signer and signer_cap to manage the pool
- Register Move coin storage:
// Register APT coin store for pool
if (!coin::is_account_registered<AptosCoin>(signer::address_of(&pool_signer))) {
- Check if the pool has already registered AptosCoin storage
- If not, register AptosCoin storage for the pool
// Mint tokens to pool
mint_tokens(&pool_signer, token, token_amount);
// Transfer APT to pool
let apt_coins = coin::withdraw<AptosCoin>(sender, move_amount);
coin::deposit(signer::address_of(&pool_signer), apt_coins);
- Mint custom token:
- Use the
function to create and add custom tokens to the pool - The token amount is determined by the
- Use the
- Transfer Move token:
- Withdraw Move tokens from the sender's account
- Transfer this amount of Move tokens to the pool's account
// Initialize LP
move_to(&pool_signer, LiquidityPool {
token_reserve: token_amount,
move_reserve: move_amount,
token_address: token,
owner: signer::address_of(sender),
Initialize LiquidityPool:
- Create a new LiquidityPool structure
- Store information about the amount of tokens and Move, token address, owner, and signing capability
- Use
to save this structure to the pool's storage
This function plays a crucial role in setting up the infrastructure for a decentralized exchange (DEX) or a DeFi protocol, allowing users to create initial liquidity for a token-Move pair.
Initialize Pool
After completing the function to initialize the Pool, we will call it immediately after successfully initializing the token. I want to set the default initial value so that 1 Move can be exchanged for 50,000 Tokens. Subsequently, the price will be calculated based on the pool.
const INITIAL_TOKEN_PER_APT: u64 = 5_000_000_000_000;
const APT_DECIMALS: u8 = 8;
const APT_MULTIPLIER: u64 = 100_000_000; // 10^8 for APT decimals
// Calculate total tokens to be created
let user_token_amount = (move_amount as u128) * (INITIAL_TOKEN_PER_APT as u128) / (APT_MULTIPLIER as u128);
assert!((user_token_amount * 2) <= (MAX_SUPPLY as u128), ERR_MAX_SUPPLY_EXCEEDED);
Create & Buy Token Complete
module pump4fun::pump_for_fun {
use std::string;
use std::option;
use std::signer;
use aptos_framework::object::{Self, Object};
use aptos_framework::fungible_asset::{Self, Metadata, MintRef, TransferRef, BurnRef};
use aptos_framework::primary_fungible_store;
use aptos_framework::coin::{Self};
use aptos_framework::aptos_coin::{Self, AptosCoin};
use aptos_framework::account::{Self, SignerCapability};
const DECIMAL: u8 = 8;
const MAX_SUPPLY: u64 = 100_000_000_000_000_000;
const FEE: u64 = 10_000_000; // 0.1 APT
const INITIAL_TOKEN_PER_APT: u64 = 5_000_000_000_000;
const APT_DECIMALS: u8 = 8;
const APT_MULTIPLIER: u64 = 100_000_000; // 10^8 for APT decimals
// Error codes
const INVALID_AMOUNT: u64 = 2;
const ERR_NOT_OWNER: u64 = 3;
const ERR_ZERO_AMOUNT: u64 = 4;
struct AppConfig has key {
fees: u64,
admin: address,
#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct FAController has key {
dev_address: address,
mint_ref: MintRef,
burn_ref: BurnRef,
transfer_ref: TransferRef,
struct LiquidityPool has key {
token_reserve: u64,
move_reserve: u64,
token_address: Object<Metadata>,
owner: address,
signer_cap: SignerCapability,
fun init_module(sender: &signer) {
let admin_addr = signer::address_of(sender);
move_to(sender, AppConfig {
fees: FEE,
admin: admin_addr,
public entry fun create_token_and_buy(
sender: &signer,
name: string::String,
symbol: string::String,
icon_uri: string::String,
project_url: string::String,
move_amount: u64 // Amount of APT in octas (10^8)
) acquires AppConfig, FAController {
assert!(move_amount > 0, ERR_ZERO_AMOUNT);
let app_config = borrow_global<AppConfig>(@pump4fun);
let admin_addr = app_config.admin;
let sender_addr = signer::address_of(sender);
// Collect token creation fee
let fee_coins = coin::withdraw<AptosCoin>(sender, app_config.fees);
coin::deposit<AptosCoin>(admin_addr, fee_coins);
// Create new token
let constructor_ref = object::create_named_object(sender, *string::bytes(&name));
let object_signer = object::generate_signer(&constructor_ref);
// Initialize token
option::some((MAX_SUPPLY as u128)),
let fa_obj = object::object_from_constructor_ref<Metadata>(&constructor_ref);
// Setup token controller
move_to(&object_signer, FAController {
dev_address: sender_addr,
mint_ref: fungible_asset::generate_mint_ref(&constructor_ref),
burn_ref: fungible_asset::generate_burn_ref(&constructor_ref),
transfer_ref: fungible_asset::generate_transfer_ref(&constructor_ref),
// Calculate total tokens to be created
let user_token_amount = (move_amount as u128) * (INITIAL_TOKEN_PER_APT as u128) / (APT_MULTIPLIER as u128);
assert!((user_token_amount * 2) <= (MAX_SUPPLY as u128), ERR_MAX_SUPPLY_EXCEEDED);
// Mint tokens to user
mint_tokens(sender, fa_obj, (user_token_amount as u64));
// Create and initialize Liquidity Pool with same amount
move_amount, // APT from user
(user_token_amount as u64) // Same amount of tokens for pool
fun mint_tokens(
account: &signer,
token: Object<Metadata>,
amount: u64,
) acquires FAController {
let token_addr = object::object_address(&token);
let controller = borrow_global<FAController>(token_addr);
let fa = fungible_asset::mint(&controller.mint_ref, amount);
primary_fungible_store::deposit(signer::address_of(account), fa);
fun initialize_liquidity_pool(
sender: &signer,
token: Object<Metadata>,
move_amount: u64,
token_amount: u64
) acquires FAController {
let (pool_signer, signer_cap) = account::create_resource_account(sender, b"Liquidity_Pool");
// Register APT coin store for pool
if (!coin::is_account_registered<AptosCoin>(signer::address_of(&pool_signer))) {
// Mint tokens to pool
mint_tokens(&pool_signer, token, token_amount);
// Transfer APT to pool
let apt_coins = coin::withdraw<AptosCoin>(sender, move_amount);
coin::deposit(signer::address_of(&pool_signer), apt_coins);
// Initialize LP
move_to(&pool_signer, LiquidityPool {
token_reserve: token_amount,
move_reserve: move_amount,
token_address: token,
owner: signer::address_of(sender),