Install Movement CLI
- Prerequisites:
- Install Rust Programming Language
- Git
- Cmake
- libssl-dev and libclang-dev
Install Movement CLI via build from source (Linux/MacOS)
Step 1: Clone the Aptos-core repo & go into the newly created directory
git clone && cd aptos-core
Step 2: Install all prerequites using automatic script
Using the Automatic Script to install prerequisites
Update your current shell environment
source ~/.cargo/env
Ensure you have
installed by following this commands:cargo --version
Step 3: Build the CLI tool
cargo build -p movement
The binary will be available at
Step 4: Move this executable to a place in your path
sudo cp target/debug/movement /opt/homebrew/bin/
movement --help
Command Line Interface (CLI) for developing and interacting with the Movement blockchain
Usage: movement <COMMAND>
account Tool for interacting with accounts
config Tool for interacting with configuration of the Movement CLI tool
genesis Tool for setting up an Movement chain Genesis transaction
governance Tool for on-chain governance
info Show build information about the CLI
init Tool to initialize current directory for the movement tool
key Tool for generating, inspecting, and interacting with keys
move Tool for Move smart contract related operations
multisig Tool for interacting with multisig accounts
node Tool for operations related to nodes
stake Tool for manipulating stake and stake pools
update Update the CLI or other tools it depends on
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Build, Test & Call function on Movement
Ensure you have the ClI installed
Set up Development Environment
Initialize your Aptos profile for package development and add Movement as a custom network
movement init --network custom --rest-url --faucet-url
Currently, we'll skip the faucet stage in the CLI and instead execute this through the UI via this link.
- Sucess Result:
Configuring for profile default
Configuring for network Custom
Using command line argument for rest URL
Not configuring a faucet because --skip-faucet was provided
Enter your private key as a hex literal (0x...) [Current: None | No input: Generate new key (or keep one if present)]
No key given, generating key...
Account 0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586 has been initialized locally, but you must transfer coins to it to create the account onchain
Movement CLI is now set up for account 0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586 as profile default!
See the account here:
Run `movement --help` for more information about commands
"Result": "Success"
- Here you need to pay attention to the Account that was created:
No key given, generating key...
Account 0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586 has been initialized locally, but you must transfer coins to it to create the account onchain
After completing this process, a folder named .movement
containing a config.yaml
file will appear in your directory. All the information you previously generated will be stored in this config.yaml
Faucet Move Token
To execute transactions on the Movement blockchain, you'll need Move Tokens to pay for transaction fees. You can obtain free Move tokens from the faucet UI using this link:
Use the address generated in the file
Afterwards, you can verify your token balance using the following command:
movement account balance --account 0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586
- The result below confirms that you now possess 1 Move token
{ "Result": [ { "asset_type": "coin", "coin_type": "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin", "balance": 100000000 } ] }
Initialize your Move project
You can easily initialize a default project source code using the following command:
movement move init --name hello_movement
After initializing the Move source code, your folder will contain the following files and directories:
├── .movement/config.yaml
├── Move.toml
├── scripts
├── sources
└── tests
The key file to pay attention to is Move.toml
[package] # Includes packages metadata such as name version
name = "hello_movement"
version = "1.0.0"
authors = []
movement = "0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586"
# Multiline Style
git = ""
rev = "mainnet"
subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework"
You will copy and paste the previously generated account address into the [addresses] section to publish your contract to that address.
movement = "0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586"
Implement Code
Create your .move
contract file in the /sources
├── .aptos/config.yaml
├── Move.toml
├── scripts
├── sources
│ └── hello_world.move
└── tests
module movement::hello_world {
use std::string::{String, utf8};
use std::debug::print;
struct MoveResource has key {
string: String
public entry fun create_first_resource(caller: &signer) {
let greeting: String = utf8(b"Hello World!!!");
move_to(caller, MoveResource {
string: greeting
#[test(caller = @0x1)]
fun test_create_first_resource(caller: &signer) {
Building & Testing Contact
movement move build
{ "Result": [ "3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586::hello_world", ] }
movement move test --filter hello_world
Running Move unit tests [debug] "Hello World!!!" [ PASS ] 0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586::hello_world::test_create_first_resource Test result: OK. Total tests: 1; passed: 1; failed: 0 { "Result": "Success" }
Publish Contract & Interact on Blockchain
You can deploy your contract (modules) to the Movement blockchain using the following command:
movement move publish
Success Result
Transaction submitted:
"Result": {
"transaction_hash": "0xe019cffa060c50e067fa0522199cc5f667bab840998a30c57e70d09f6d13a77f",
"gas_used": 7260,
"gas_unit_price": 100,
"sender": "122d28da2607724405a4691e35f7fad06667ec32229781f8994c70f24ec59c58",
"sequence_number": 0,
"success": true,
"timestamp_us": 1727944927400079,
"version": 84201807,
"vm_status": "Executed successfully"
You can use the transaction hash
to search for your contract on the Movement explorer:
"transaction_hash": "0xe019cffa060c50e067fa0522199cc5f667bab840998a30c57e70d09f6d13a77f"
Alternatively, you can search for the account you generated earlier to view the modules you have deployed.
In each module, you can call the available functions to test or verify them directly through the user interface.
Call function with Movement CLI
You can easily use the CLI to call functions on the blockchain after publishing, without needing to access the explorer, by using the movement move run
movement move run --function-id "<module_onwer_address>::<module_name>>::<function_name>" --args <type>:<value> --sender-account <address_account>
In the case of the hello_world
module, we can call it through the CLI as follows:
movement move run "0x3d4dd145c51722b2b236bf544a2f12718450f4e7ab4f70c789160a5829e73586::hello_world::create_first_resource"